My story

Hi! I’m Dr. Fawaz Al-Malood, an educator and college administrator from California who fell in love with teaching and helping both students, faculty and staff acquire new skills.  I have been privileged to have served in numerous roles within academia and the community over the past 20 years such as: professor, program coordinator, department chair, associate dean, trustee and CFO. 

Photo of Dr. Fawaz Al-Malood podcasting

I started my career in the corporate world, but soon moved into the non-profit world to serving in higher education and volunteering my technical and academic expertise with local non-profit organizations. Why? Because I believe that we were all placed on this earth to be of service to each other and do what we can to make a positive difference in this world. Working in the corporate world allowed me to have a small impact on the life of one particular colleague and I wanted the opportunity to be off service to a greater number of people. 

I am not a guru! However, I’ve had an incredible amount of success in my professional career due to the support and mentoring that I’d received along the way, and I’d like to do the same for others.

In addition to my full-time role as a college administrator, I am an author, blogger, YouTuber, and podcaster. I am the Founder of a blog dedicated to sharing successful strategies on: teaching, productivity, and professional development for college educators.

I hold a doctorate in Education Management from the University of South Africa, a MBA from Western Governors University, a MS in Management and Leadership from Western Governors University, a bachelors in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Administration, and a Diploma in Hotel Management from the Hotel Institute Montreux in Switzerland.